Topic Name Description
Page Instructors' bio
File WikiViz, a wiki website dedicated to Information Visualisation.

WikiViz, a wiki website dedicated to Information Visualisation.

Page Introduction to the topics of this module
Information Graphics URL WikiViz page on Graphics
URL TED-Talk: 10min video on the story behind Snow's Cholera Map
URL VizHall with Information Visualization Examples
Introduction to Software Visualization Principles File Slides on Software Visualization

Slides on Software Visualization

URL Personal Assignment: Classifying Visualizations of Software
Use the brief information to choose 3 approaches (visualizations). Based on the papers published on the chosen approaches, qualify them according to the 5 specific parameters in the hall of fame: static/dynamic information, scalability, interactivity, language-dependency, paradigm-dependency.
URL Software Visualization Hall of Fame
Hall of fame for software visualizations, including scientific as well as commercial approaches.
Multi-dimensional Data URL BREEZE-TUTORIAL: How to use city'o'scope (Parallel Coordinate Data)
The Hierarchy Page Introduction to Visualizing Hierarchies
Page Case Study: Customer Satisfaction Survey