Topic outline

  • Welcome to DemoModule: VizBiz

    Instructors: Martin Eppler, Remo Burkhard, Ralph Lengler & Patricia Klarner

    Martin, Remo, Ralph, Patricia

    • This Demo-Module gives you a brief overview on the fascinating world of visualization for Business and Communication. First, you will learn about the VizHall, a key application in this tutorial. VizHall allows you to share your visual solutions with your peers and give each other feedback. Second, you will see how we perceive and process visual information in the brain. Third, an easy and entertaining way to improve your (passive) visualization skills is by assessing visualizations from others. Good Advertisement should be entertaining and insightful so we thought assessing ads might be a good starting point. Fourth, we will explore the differences between Information Visualization and Knowledge Visualization. We will look at means by which the difficult and complex content related to knowledge-intensive issues can be made clearer through visualization methods. Fifth, Meeting Facilitation is an important, but still under explored application area of visualization. You will see how visualization methods can improve the quality of meetings. Sixth, you will get an introduction to why there is trend to more visualization in business contexts. Seventh, we will investigate the benefits of visualization in the context of strategic management. Eighth, we will look at real life cases, where visualization was instrumental in facilitating the strategic management process. Ninth, we ask you to reinvent the org-chart. Tenth, we will give you an interactive challenge: can you classify and label typical conceptual diagrams correctly?

  • Peer Learning: Re-Inventing the Org Chart

    from Module 8: BizViz


    In this exercise you are asked to re-invent the organization chart for improved business communication. The classical org chart emphasizes levels of hierarchy and is thus not always highly motivating or instructive. Think about novel ways to represent an organization's structure that higlights how people actually work together and that does not stress hierarchic levels. The org chart should be usable both for internal and for external communication.

    Here you can see the results of the first field test of the VizHall. The examples and the ratings, and the comments are of corporate communication master students of a course in business knowledge visualization at the university of Lugano.