Exploring Visual Perception Phenomena (Images)
Exploring Visual Perception Phenomena
Before we explain visual perception we would like you to explore some visual perception phenomena.
You can also get a hands-on experience exploring those visual phenomena with java applets on the Visual and Auditory Illusions Website
Full and Empty
Question: In all of these three illustrations you can make out a yellow triangle, even though the outlines are not drawn. Why do the triangles on each of the pictures differ from one another?
Solution and explanation: In all of these three illustrations you can make out a yellow triangle, even though the outlines are not drawn. The triangles seem to lie on a higher layer than the rest of the drawing. The different angles of the cut out sections of the circles let the forms seem to be straight, convex or concave.
Lengths and Angles
Question: Is the line from A to B just as long as the line from A to C?
Solution and explanations: AB = AC. The perspective leads to a confusion in the perception of the lengths of the lines.
Question: Do the squares lie in line with each other?
Solution and explanation: Yes, you can verify it with a ruler.
Question: Are the orange lines straight?
Solution and explanation: Yes, the lines are straight and parallel to each other.
The Effect of the Perspective
Question: Are both of the girls in the picture of the same size? Why does the delusion work?
Solution and explanations: The perspective leads to the delusion.
Question: Are the inner squares all the same size?
Solution and explanation: Yes, but a strong colour in the background weakens the perception of the inner square and lets it seem to be smaller than it is.
Hidden Pictures
Question: What can you see in this picture if you turn it upside down?
Solution and explanations: The duck turns to an island, the beak to a canoe and the head to a big fish.
Hidden Pictures
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Straight Lines
Question: Are the lines straight?
Solution and explanation: Yes, the lines are straight and parallel. The presence of the other lines and their directions mislead our perception.